Wonder Believer


Hi! I’m Julia. I’m 8 years old and I live in New Jersey with my family. I love school, love reading, and absolutely LOVE R. J. Palacio’s books (She wrote the Wonder series.). One day, I was asked to write a review about Wonder. I was excited because I enjoyed to get other people to start loving Wonder. Before I watched the movie, I had read the book so many times I lost count. When I heard the book was made into a movie, I was surprised, shocked. Then I realized this was a good thing. I thought this was a good thing because it would bring the true meaning to the whole world. I thought the movie would be as wonderful as the book. I was right. The beautiful setting, the characters that could tell a story alone, were all awesome!

Wonder is a great, emotional story about a boy with a facial difference. He was given a hard time because of the way he looked.  He found a way of being kind to survive the whole school year. It was his first, but now we know it won’t be his last.

His name is August (Auggie) Pullman, and he has found a space in our hearts. He was TRULY kind, and indeed he got his reward in the end.

August taught me when given the choice of being right, or being kind, choose kind.  It means that you CAN say everything you know about someone or something (secrets, lies, etc.), and no one is going to stop you. However, you need to determine what the kinder choice is.

The next moral I learned was never giving up being sympathetic to others, and others will be kind back eventually. For example, August was joking that the UglyDoll toys were inspired by him, and told this to a girl called Maya in his class. She had never noticed him, and decided he was supposedly nice. She noticed this, gave him a chance, and they quickly became friends. Maya spread the word and people DID give him a chance after that.

The book unfolded from different points of view. For example, August’s sister Olivia (Via) learned how to be a good, caring sister. Jack Will learned how to be a good friend to someone unusual like Auggie. Summer Dawson learned how to accept being friends with someone with a facial difference while being kind for the whole school year. Miranda, Via’s ex-best friend, discovered that lies would take you down further. So be who you are and be kind. Justin, Via’s boyfriend, learned that he could deal with August’s look and understood who August is.

My favorite parts of Wonder were when Auggie was funny. He is so, so, so, funny! For example, he doesn’t mind joking about what he looks like, and he tells positive jokes about the future.

He was a kind boy, and what he did will make a difference in the world, and we shall not forget him. Be a happy person and live the life of someone who believes this wonder child. So, if you do, you would find it enjoyable to read this friendly novel, watch the stupendous movie, and believing that, you can be whatever you want to be.


6/11 lyvia的lacrosse team下午4点在队友家开party。早起妈妈肚子疼,吃了点止疼药,很快胃部以及右侧剧烈的痛起来。过来半小时似乎好了点,吃了午饭,继续躺着休息。到了lyvia该出发的时候,妈妈起来洗漱,一阵恶心把午饭吐出来了,然后感觉好多了。

送lyvia回来,妈妈觉得饿了,吃了点面包。这时候julia从教会回来了,今天是父亲节演出前的dress rehearsal。julia同妈妈一起去接姐姐,路上妈妈在一处僻静的地方又吐了一处。julia进去把姐姐接出来,妈妈在车里休息。到家以后似乎没事了。晚饭也能正常吃,然后就没事了。

6/18 父亲节 丫丫发高烧,爸爸坚持要带她去urgent care。 妈妈一同去了,urgent care不收我们的保险,全部自费。做了strep test,negative。但是医生也看不出别的,还是给开了阿莫西林,7.5ml,*2*7。



6/22 晚上临睡前忽然又疼了起来,赶紧下楼去喝液体的药。持续了差不多半小时就消失了,药是有用的。

6/23 看了李翔医生,他觉得是胃酸过多引起的胃溃疡,建议去做胃镜,同时开了抑酸胃药,配方直接发到药房了。路上买菜时药店来电话,这药OTC就有,便宜得多。急诊室开的是差不多的药,就先吃完再买OTC的好了。

7/28 姥姥姥爷在包饺子,妈妈陪lyncoln玩的时候忽然觉得胃疼袭来,吃了片剂没扛住,吃了液体药才慢慢平息下来。最近几天没有按时吃药的后果。

8/8 爸爸去打篮球,julia也一起去玩。妈妈带着姥姥姥爷和lyncoln去Montgomery park玩。刚刚下车,妈妈俯身去stroller的时候,胃疼又来了。妈妈安顿大家在playground自己回家吃药,很快就有效了,赶紧回去接他们。

8/9 打电话约胃镜,被告知一定要先看一下医生才能约。刚好今天下午有人取消,约了8/21上午做胃镜。


2/5 周日

丫丫的朋友gabby生日party在27号路边的roller skating。茉茉和爸爸去教会的路上drop off丫丫,然后他们去吃午饭

丫丫在这个地方参加过一次生日会,只有双排的roller skates,没有单排的roller blades,不好滑。今天带了自己的blades去,发现完全没必要,只有双排的是因为当时她太小。爸爸把她放下就走了,丫丫很独立,自己试鞋,自己穿鞋。有点太自信玩花样,结果下巴磕了一下。gabby的爸爸妈妈安慰了她。丫丫很感激,说他们都非常nice。这对夫妻是从英国搬来的,保持很好的伦敦口音。女儿脾气特别好。

妈妈接了丫丫顺便去好运来买菜,到家时姐姐爸爸已经回来了。姐姐下午做了些invention project,妹妹为了看会电视,妈妈安排的clean up工作都做了。

晚上是super bowl game,第51届,罗马数字LI。在张超家聚会。本来丫丫说要借此完成February challenge。 




昨晚7点,参加math and science award night。拿到两个奖,一个是math league的校冠军,一个是science league的4th place。

明天是五年级毕业大典heritage day。茉茉入选乐队打鼓,另外还应邀给合唱团钢琴伴奏。



5/30 端午节

昨天是memorialday,今天是没用完的snow day,也放假,刚好赶上端午。昨天茉茉和姥姥学包粽子,发到朋友圈,无数人点赞!




5/22 周一 ☔️




茉茉体重73磅, 37.5%。身高145厘米,70%。茉茉瘦了,运动量大,吃得不多。


r5/14 周日 母亲节 阵雨


今天到教会接了去choir表演的丫丫,姥姥姥爷姐姐弟弟妈妈一起去了粤都吃午饭,然后去mall里面,姥姥姥爷每人买双鞋,姥姥买了几件衣服。姐姐买了礼服dress,妹妹买了运动shorts,一直逛到6点多,想在food court吃饭人家已经关门了,只买到一盒饭。还在到家爸爸已经做了饭了。他去了Costco,换了小车的轮胎,还买了几件出去玩用的东西

5/11 星期四 晴,略有点冷


茉茉放学没有回家,本来想参加food club学做pasta,早上临时改主意要布置班里的板报,ABC count down。初中第一年就要结束了。很高兴她有勇气做一点引人注意的事,希望她跟老师沟通好,把全部意义推荐给大家并受到欢迎





4/2 周日


茉茉昨天打排球比赛,今天打lacrosse,日程满满的,中文学校缺课一次,cookie booth sale也没去成。两场比赛都是爸爸陪同,场上的表现不尽如人意。我们的孩子身材力量都处弱势,拼抢精神也不足,只能苦练技术了。lacrosse的coach给的上场时间太短了,以后只能考有限的时间里拼出风采。


下午我们去了clonial park, Lyncoln第一次见到这么多人,有点吃惊,有点兴奋。回来路上兴奋到不肯踏踏实实靠在carseat上。